

boric acid的相關標籤

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雖然史萊姆魔法水光速賣完了 但這次團購的Brian Clegg彩色無毒膠水 成分為PVA 是非常適合用來做史萊姆的膠水唷 成功率100% 這次恩姊跟好朋友一起用 👉彩色無毒膠水+刮鬍泡+隱形眼鏡保養液(需含Boric Acid成分) 做出棉花糖史萊姆 還有用 👉彩色無毒膠水+小蘇打水+隱形眼鏡保養液 輕輕鬆鬆就完成史萊姆唷 後來發現 像庭庭是小二生~就喜歡用魔法水輕鬆完成製作 恩姊跟好朋友是小四生~就喜歡自己用隱眼保養液實驗各種配方~做出各式各樣的史萊姆~~ #非常有實驗精神👏👏👏 總之~~史萊姆真的是國小生的最愛阿 倒數兩小時結團唷 https://gbf.tw/rmr8b

雖然史萊姆魔法水光速賣完了 但這次團購的Brian Clegg彩色無毒膠水 成分為PVA 是非常適合...


雖然史萊姆魔法水光速賣完了 但這次團購的Brian Clegg彩色無毒膠水 成分為PVA 是非常適合...

It is so irritating when you receive uninvited guest crawling around at your house 🐜🐜🐜 *Disclaimer: I maintain my house well but my neighbour... 😒😒😒😒 Thanks to PessoEco Ant Bait as I manage to get rid those ants. Pesso understand the behaviour of ants and their colony system. The process of food exchange carried out by a colony of ants is how Pesso Eco Ant Bait exploits to control them. Pesso Eco Ant Bait's main ingredient is Boric Acid, a commonly used food preservative with the ability to act as a carrier. How to use? 1) Put the ant bait where ants have been detected. 2) The ants will consume the bait and bring it back to the nest, distributing the bait throughout the colony. 3) Wash your hands after handling bait to avoid cross contamination and other resulting complications. Pesso Eco Ant Bait is available at Pasaraya CS, Parkson, NSK, Village Grocer, Shoppe, Lazada, Giant Hypermarket, CSM Hardware, Ace Hardware, Homepro and Family Store (in Negeri Sembilan and Melaka). #kleeso #pessoecoantbait @kleenso

It is so irritating when you receive uninvited gu...